Turning up the steam in the bedroom—-Recap from the Sophisticated Siren Last Friday’s Sophisticated Siren event was a huge success. I want to send a very special thank you to everyone that purchased tickets and joined us this night. We had juicy girl talk over some delicious Shrimp and Grits provided by Art of Moe Culinary services (@art_of_moe) and amazing cocktails courtesy of Nina B. (@Nbbhsevents). We also learned a sexy floor dance routine from the beautiful Toni Williams of Fantasy Fitness (@fantasyfitnessmd). There aren’t many photos from this event as I felt it may violate the privacy of my attendees. I do have a short video of me and Toni doing a floor routine. DO NOT judge my movements y’all! I will be the first to admit I have no rhythm and I’m stiff as hell but let’s just say I’ve NEVER had problems in the bedroom..ok? (Flips hair and jumps into the next paragraph)

I will dive a little bit into some of the conversations we had that night. Our topics ranged from the percentage of women that have never orgasmed before to how to make your man ejaculate quickly during fellatio. We talked about whether you should use two-hands, no- hands or one hand while giving oral sex. A topic that caught everyone’s attention was the “G-Spot” and the “P-Spot”. We learned that a large percentage of women don’t know where their G-spot is or what it does! Now the P-Spot….or male G-spot…we learned that is located in the rectum. Some women said they have “interacted” with their man’s P-spot, while others said they may die if they even attempted to do so! I will save my comments on this topic for the next event, I hope to see you there!

-Queen of Waxing