I always said I would never post this story online; I just usually reserve it for in the treatment room while I’m working hard to help a client relax before her first waxing experience. At this point in life I’m not ashamed of the story (anymore), and to be quite truthfully I think it sheds some light as to why I am so passionate about Brazilian waxing. Allow me to share with you.

Unfortunately many women have a Brazilian wax horror story. My clients share their experiences of how awful waxing was for them before finding me and it makes me really sad. I take pride in the fact that all of my first time clients leave happy, hair free and looking forward to their next appointment.

I remember it like it was yesterday; although it has been over 10 years since this happened. I was 18 years old and I loved getting my nails done at the Nail Trix in The Galery mall, located in downtown Baltimore. For years an Asian woman by the name of Ming did my nails and occasionally waxed my eyebrows. This was years before I knew about the licenses needed to do waxing or nails in the state of Maryland. She would always ask me if I wanted to try a Brazilian wax and my response was always “HELL NO”! Around the 5th time she asked my interest was peaked. So I started to look into the Brazilian wax thing. I found many articles about the service and what it entailed. Tons of women raved about the results and convenience in comparison to shaving……I was ready to try it. I placed a quick call to Ming to schedule my appointment and I’m all SET! I’m PUMPED!!!

I finally go in for my appointment and I am waiting patiently for my turn to go into the wax room. As I entered the room I felt a chill come over my body. In retrospect that may have been my sign to “Run for the Hills” but I didn’t and before I knew it I was lying on the wax table in a t-shirt and some ankle socks. Ming asked if I was ready to get started. In a low, hesitant voice I reply “Yes” and the waxing began. The first strip removed was on my pelvis area. It wasn’t bad but as she moved south the pain got more intense. She continued waxing doing each of my inner thighs. I look at the clock noticing we have been at it for nearly 30 minutes and I still have a vajayjay full of hair!! It’s was time to start the “lips”. Ming applied a large amount of wax from my butthole to my pelvis, covered it with a wax strip and pulled…YIKES!!! I screamed as I leaped off the table. She yelled ” Sabrina, relax!”. I wasn’t trying to hear it! I looked down just to make sure I had my lady parts attached and I was pleased to see that they were. I was not pleased that the wax and the strip she applied was still there also. Ming tugged, and tugged, and tugged but she couldn’t get this big ass piece of wax off my ass, literally. I was frustrated, humiliated and in a ton of pain. I left with the wax and the strip still adhered to my body as I argued with her about why I wasn’t paying for that terrible waxing. I cut the wax strip and hair off once I got home and vowed to never, ever, ever try waxing again.

When I went to skin care school a few years later I had to learn how to do the service I dreaded the most. I practiced and I practiced until I perfected my skill set and have been noted as the Queen of Waxing here in Baltimore, MD. If you are looking for a new waxing home I would love to see you at Sky Lounge Skin Care. Click HERE to visit our website.

Originally Published 1/16/2016